CG Design control panel

Testdrive our control panel

To see all of the available features of our hosting control panel software you can login using the demo account credentials below. Feel free to explore all aspects of the area, and don't forget to check out the "How Do I..." link to our F.A.Q. section to answer any questions that you may have.

Demo account login:
Username: Demo
Password: Pa$$word1

Web Hosting

We offer a variety of web hosting packages suited to meet your needs. Whether you're an individual looking to host your first blog, or an established company looking to expand, we have the package for you.

  • Up to 25gb of storage
  • .Net Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
  • SQL Server 2012 R2 databases
  • MySQL 5 databases
  • Click & Install app selection

Email Hosting

If you're looking for reliable email hosting, look no further. Our email hosting packages offer the latest in technology and spam and virus filtering, keeping you safe and secure. And you can rest assured that your email is always available.

  • POP3 and IMAP connectivity
  • 250mb of storage per account
  • Shared folders
  • Customizeable spam filtering

Database Hosting

Using the latest Microsoft and MySQL technologies available our database hosting packages offer nothing short of rock-solid integrity and performance. With backups at regular intervals you can trust that your data is safe and secure.

  • 2gb of storage per database
  • Automated database backups included
  • External access via your preferred client
  • Web-based management tools